Anchor, Alchemise, Align.

If you're feeling like you are crumbling beneath the pressure of the world (and your mind)... this 4 day experience is a powerful energetic reset that will return you to your centre.

This programme will clear the noise, connect you with your intuition and return you to your centre. You will leave this programme feeling calm, connected and clear on your hearts vision.

Everything is available on demand so you can complete this programme at your own pace.

This programme is valued at £129 but because it's the first time i'm running it, you get it for just:

Investment: £44

 "I designed this experience to turn the traditional 'goal-focused' New Year energy (filled with so much pressure) around and into a self care routine that anchors you in the beauty of all that is present, alchemises all that has led you right here and aligns you firmly in the frequency of your wildest vision. If you're feeling like the world (and your mind) is getting on top of you, this is a powerful reset to reclaim your centre." - Mollie @wheresmollie

 This is for you if:

  • You're feeling lost, anxious and ready to take action
  • You're ready to clear the noise and hear the voice of your intuition
  • You want to be feeling pleasure not pressure
  • You're ready to release of all that no longer aligns with where you're going
  • You want to connect with your dreams and get crystal clear on your vision
  • You're ready to expand your heart to all that is possible
  • You want to know how to take aligned action to stay on track with your vision

A fusion of visualisation, breathwork, bodywork, journalling, meditation and movement.

What's included?

  • A 60 minute workshop with Mollie @wheresmollie
  • 4 days of guided practices, rituals and exercises led by Mollie Bylett, Bishop Reid and Char Holmes
  • An 23-page Anchor Alchemise Align workbook
  • Access to a WhatsApp group for inspiration, support and community
  • 30 day access to all practices and recordings. All content will be viewable on demand.

All purchases are final.

If by the end of the experience you don’t feel clear on your vision, calm in your heart and excited to bring your dream to life… you get your money back. It’s that simple.


What People Are Saying:

Wow that breathwork is a brilliant way to wake up the mind and body. Feeling so energised now.

I haven't journaled before and I was expecting to have nothing to write. However the words flowed and my vision is now clear to me. I have always been highly goal focused and my future targets are usually materialistic. This time my vision is centered around giving, gratitude, joy and happiness. Thank you SO much for the connection and clarity.

I have just finished the meditation with tears streaming down my face - so cleansing and so powerful. I have absolutely absorbed this powerful message 'it all starts here. the power is within me.'

£44.00 GBP